Welcome Back Chargers

Welcome Back Chargers
Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year. We hope you are looking forward to an exciting year of learning. At Hilltop High School, our mission is to accommodate students in a welcoming environment that strives to provide high quality, relevant, and meaningful educational opportunities that develop lifelong learners who are culturally responsive, socially conscious, and confident, global citizens.
We would like to welcome new staff to the Hilltop family, Ms. Candice Sullivan will be joining the Science/Math department, Ms. Lydia Pau will also be teaching Science and Ms. Denika Friedrich joins the English/Social department. We would also like to welcome Educational Assistants Ms. Roxanne Amiot to the Hilltop family and Ms. Selene Dowsett, who will be working at Gateway Academy.
Please take the time to review our policies and expectations in our Parent/Student Handbook, which is available on our website. Also on our website, you can find the 2019-2020 calendar, please make note of important days, such as FLEX days. Please be aware that ALL students who are NOT nominated for FLEX block will receive an early lunch hour on FLEX days only. Students who ARE nominated by their teachers for FLEX block are expected to attend. A reminder that parents are welcome to nominate their child for FLEX at any time.
Important Upcoming Days
September 3: First Day of Classes - Grade 9 Only (students will receive timetables and lockers in their homeroom)
September 4: First Day of Classes - All Grades (students will receive timetables and lockers in their homerooms)
September 9: Picture Day (packages will be sent home the first week)
September 18: Friends of Hilltop Parent Council Meeting - 7:00 pm
September 18: FLEX Day 1 (Math/Social/Other)
September 26: Grade 12 Graduation/Scholarship Meeting - 7:00pm
September 30: Orange Shirt Day
October 3: Career and Education Expo 2019