Rotary Youth Adventure Citizenship Program

The Whitecourt Rotary Club is looking for students between the ages of 16 – 19 who are interested in taking part in a Virtual Rotary Adventure in Citizenship. The student chosen will be sponsored by the Whitecourt Rotary Club and the event will tentatively run from May 1st to May 5th.
Here is the criterion:
1. Excellent academic standing
2. Leadership ability
3. Community service, with an emphasis on non-school related volunteering
4. A Canadian citizen or landed immigrant between the ages of 16 and 19. (Must be 16 to 19 before May 1, 2021.
5. The Whitecourt Rotary Club will conduct an interview with the individual.
6. A short essay (approx. 250 words) or 30 – 90 second creative video on “What does being a Canadian citizen mean to you?” The video that is judged to be the best will be published on the Rotary Club of Ottawa’s website and, time permitting, the winning student will be asked to present their submission at the closing of the AIC program.
Here's a link to a description of the program.
If you are interested please complete the Youth Adventure Application 2021 as soon as possible.