Parent Teacher Interviews

Our Parent/Teacher Interviews for Semester 2 are scheduled for Thursday, March 24, 2022 from 4:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Online booking is now open!
To book an interview with your child’s Teacher, please visit and find the bookings tab in the menu to register. Interviews will be held in person in conjunction with our Fine Arts Night, an evening to showcase the many talents of our students. Once you are registered, you will find a drop down menu; choose Hilltop and your child’s Semester 2 Teacher(s), followed by selecting the available 10-minute time slot that works best for you.
Registration closes March 21, 2022 at 12:00 pm. If you need assistance or are unsure of whom your child’s teachers are, please check the ParentPortal in PowerSchool or contact the front office at 780-778-2446. Teachers are looking forward to seeing you!
Please note: Due to afterschool bus supervision, Ms. Mercer and Mrs. Fancey will not be available for bookings until approximately 4:10 pm.
To book an interview:
The Class of 2022 is thrilled to bring back the Grad Dessert Auction. Grads are asked to provide a dessert (cake, cookies, pie etc) for the evening and guests at Parent Teacher Interviews can then bid on them with the hopes of being the highest bidder and taking home the dessert. All proceeds go to Grad Council. Please bring your dessert before 4:00 pm on March 24, along with an ingredients list.