More Back to School Information

More Back to School Information
Once again, we want to thank everyone for their cooperation and patience as we navigate through this process. In addition to the previous email sent to our Hilltop families on August 20, we have a few further details to outline as we begin the year. We want to remind everyone that we will continue to inform families as new information is available. Please watch our website, Facebook, Twitter and Remind for the most up to date information.
Our revised calendar can be found on our website at the link below. Please note that many dates are tentative at this time. We will update as dates are confirmed or change.
Due to scheduling conflicts, we have changed the timetable matrix again. There will no longer be a day 1 and day 2. The new timetable matrix is attached below.
Daily Screening
Reminder: Before coming to school each day, all staff, students and visitors (visitors by appointment only) must use the COVID-19 Alberta Health Daily Checklist ( ) to decide whether they can attend school or must stay home.
Families and staff are not required to manually fill out the form or to submit the form to their school. The questionnaire is a tool to assess wellness before coming to school. Students who have any symptoms noted on the questionnaire cannot attend school.
For more information regarding Covid-19 and school re-entry plans, please visit
In an effort to reduce hallway congestion, bus students will be dismissed at 3:10 pm daily while all other students will be dismissed at 3:15 pm
Exterior Doors:
All Grade 9 & 10 students will be required to enter through the gymnasium doors.
All Grade 11 & 12 students will be required to enter through the main front doors.
All students will be asked to exit through the doors nearest their classroom.
Our doors will open at 8:30 am daily.
The Cafeteria remains open with restrictions in place. The Breakfast Program will not be operating for the month of September, we hope to have it back up and running for the month of October. All vending machines and microwaves will be unavailable at this time.
Student Services
Student Services will be available by appointment only. Mrs. Trebilcock will be arranging one on one meetings with all Grade 12 students starting in September.
Please return any textbooks, chromebooks or other borrowed resources you may still have from last year.
School Fees can be paid online at https://ngps.schoolcashonline.