Information for Parents/Students

Chromebook Usage/Borrowing
Students requiring to borrow a Chromebook have been contacted and we have a schedule in place this week for pick-up by appointment only in an effort to reduce the number of people in the building at once. If you have not been contacted and are requiring a Chromebook please contact the office to make an appointment. Please note that only a parent/guardian can sign for Chromebook borrowing.
Personal Belongings
If you missed last week’s schedule to pick up personal belongings from lockers, please watch our website, social media and Remind group for the next available day to pick up personal belongings.
Home Based Learning
Starting Wednesday, March 25: All Core Classes
Paper Format:
For students who require their schoolwork in paper format, we will have a drop off box and a pick up table set up between the two sets of doors in the front entrance.
Students will need to ring the doorbell to enter the building (to the right of the main doors). Please contact your individual class teachers directly by email to stay up to date on assignments and make arrangements as necessary.
Drop off and Pick Up Times:
9:00 am - 12:00 pm and 12:30 pm until 3:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Students will not be permitted to come past the first set of doors. If students or parents have questions, please call the school or email the teacher directly.
Online Format:
Students using online learning have been or will be contacted by their individual class teachers with instructions on how to join Google Classroom. Please note that the timetable will run on only a Day 1 rotation, see the image attached.
ALL STUDENTS: Please continue to check your school emails regularly for communication from your teachers.
Watch our website, Facebook, Twitter and our Remind group for updates. To join our Remind group please text the message @hilltophig (careful- no h at end of high) to the phone number 587-316-7407 or click the link below.
Hilltop High School