Hilltop Jr/Sr High will move to at-home, online learning, May 3-14.

Beginning Monday, May 3, all Hilltop Jr/Sr High School students (Grades 9-12) will transition to at-home, online learning until Friday, May 14, returning to in-person instruction on Monday, May 17.
This afternoon, the provincial government approved Northern Gateway Public Schools' application to transition Hilltop students to at-home, online learning, starting Monday, May 3, 2021 and returning to in-person instruction on Monday, May 17.
Hilltop Jr/Sr High School currently has a number of staff and students in quarantine or isolation. Coupled with a shortage of substitute teachers this has challenged the school’s ability to support in-school instruction.
What happens next?
Pick up of student materials will be arranged between Hilltop and students/parents. Subject class teachers will be in contact with students on Monday, May 3, to provide direction related to online class instruction..
Students with Specialized Supports
The school will contact parents of students with specialized learning supports to make arrangements for ongoing program delivery.
We commend our students and staff who have shown immense adaptability in the face of significant changes over the past year. Thought it is difficult to see an end to this pandemic, we have cause to be hopeful. Vaccines continue to be administered, our students continue to demonstrate resilience in learning, and our staff remain committed to doing all they can in supporting students.
Hilltop Jr/Sr High School and Northern Gateway Public Schools continues to take the steps necessary to keep our students and staff safe. Thank you for your continued support and shared commitment.