Graduation Day Announcement

Class of 2020, we have exciting news! Due to student requests and the Alberta Health regulations recently changing, we will now be holding a short grad ceremony on June 26. However, the grad ceremony won’t be the traditional public ceremony we have had in the past. Each grad will be permitted to enter the gymnasium one at a time with their parents to celebrate their milestone. We are asking that grads enter the gymnasium with their immediate family only, to a maximum of four people excluding the grad, adhering to social distancing guidelines. Each grad will have a short time slot where they will enter the gymnasium, cross the stage and receive their certificates of completion from Principal Northcott. Please understand there will no longer be a ceremony held in the fall. We have worked hard to make this day a memorable day to honour our graduates. Please keep the day of Friday, June 26th open.
Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony Schedule
Friday, June 26, 2020
Hilltop Gymnasium
Last Name A - C: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Last Name D - K: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Last Name: L - R: 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Last Name: S - Z: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Important Details:
- Each grad will be permitted to enter the gymnasium one at a time with their parents to celebrate their milestone. We are asking that grads enter the gymnasium with their immediate family only, to a maximum of four people excluding the grad, adhering to social distancing guidelines. Grads and their families will then exit through the back door of the gymnasium.
- Please arrive early to your designated time slot in your cap ang gown. V-stoles will be given and returned at the time of the event. Please park in the arena parking lot, not the bus lane. Please do not miss your time slot. Any grads unable to attend will receive their certificates in their fall yearbook package.
- Please do not congregate on school grounds. Only school staff will be permitted to gather on school grounds.
- Cap and gowns are scheduled to arrive in time. We will put out a pick up day when they arrive. In light of the change of graduation, grad fees will be $40.00 payable at the time of cap/gown pickup or online via SchoolCash.
- All grads will receive a picture of themselves receiving their certificates. They will receive this in the fall with their yearbooks.
- We are planning to live stream the ceremony so all family members near and far can watch the ceremony.
- Speeches can be viewed online via social media, along with the grad slideshow.
- The bus lane parade will continue as planned. Grads are encouraged to parade through the bus line on grad day at any time. Only one graduate allowed per vehicle. Graduates may have family members of the same household in the same vehicle. Please remain in your vehicle unless participating in your designated ceremony time slot.
- Staff will be outside and inside the gymnasium celebrating your accomplishments.
It is imperative that all attendees follow the Provincial COVID-19 guidelines.
Graduates, staff, and ceremony attendees should use the self-assessment test before attending. Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend.
We are so proud of the Class of 2020 and we are looking forward to seeing you on June 26 to celebrate your completion of high school. Thank you graduates and parents for your patience and understanding as we work collectively to celebrate our graduates the best way we can.
Congratulations Class of 2020!