Class of 2020

Class of 2020, first, let us say we are so proud of you all. You have overcome obstacles like no other grad class. You have nearly completed high school and you did it during a pandemic; what an accomplishment!
We wanted to keep it a secret, but people have been wondering what we are planning to do to celebrate our graduates, at Hilltop High School. Therefore, we decided to let you in on one of our secrets with a little sneak peek. Stay tuned grads; we’re coming to your neighbourhood soon! Watch our social media pages closely and join our grad Remind group to receive instant text message notifications.
On Friday, June 26, there will be another surprise in the bus lane to celebrate your accomplishments. If you would like to do a drive through, please do so, but remain in your cars, adhering to Alberta Health restrictions of no more than 50 people assembling. Shine those cars, wear whatever makes you feel great; the staff just wants to see your smiling faces. We miss you immensely and we look forward to seeing you and celebrating this important milestone.
Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to host a public graduation ceremony but hope to in the fall.
Remind: Text the message @hthgrad20 to the number (587) 316-7407