Back to School Information

We have been busy in our preparations to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for students to return to and have outlined a few important details below.
We will be operating our year on a Day 1, Day 2 rotation in a quarterly system with two blocks per day, rather than two semesters and four blocks per day. We will continue to start school at 9:00 am and finish at 3:15 pm, with lunch being 11:48 am-12:27 pm. We will remain an open campus with the expectation that students continue to follow the cohort and social distancing guidelines. All students who leave campus must complete the self-assessment screening questionnaire before re entry. The timetable matrix is included in this press release. We will not be offering a FLEX block at this time.
To reduce the amount of traffic in the hallways, as well as close contact among students, we will not be providing lockers at this time. We ask that the students keep their belongings/backpack with them throughout the day. In regards to school supplies, we ask that students only bring the basic necessities to start, specific to the two classes they will have each quarter. Students will primarily use their designated Chromebooks in class. We are hoping, as the province moves into phase three, we will once again be able to offer lockers and this will only be a temporary policy.
Students will be required to wear a mask where social distancing can not be accomplished such as hallways and school buses. Students will not be required to wear masks in classrooms with desks spaced apart and facing the same direction. Every student will be provided two reusable masks. There will be emergency masks available.
On the first day, students will arrive and be instructed to proceed to their first block class. Class listings will be posted at each entrance and staff will be available to assist.
Exterior doors will remain locked throughout the day. All visitors to the school will need to make an appointment, wear a mask and complete the self-assessment questionnaire before entering.
We will not be giving late slips or detentions for lates and unexcused absences. We will however, continue to report all lates and absences in PowerSchool.
The Cafeteria will remain open but will be modified to comply with AHS regulations.
Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association (ASAA) has decided to postpone all fall sports leagues until the province moves into phase three and outlines the implications for sport completion.
In June, student validation forms were sent home in report cards. We are asking that parents please carefully read over the information on these forms and update with the necessary changes, please return by September 8, 2020. Please remember it is vital that all registration forms include two emergency contacts. If you have misplaced your validation form, we will provide you with a new one at the front office once classes resume.
Our goal is to create a safe school environment while keeping as close to normal routine as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this process. We look forward to welcoming all students and families back!
For more re-entry information for families, please visit the NGPS website at the link below.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us at 780-778-2446.
Staggered Entry Schedule
Wednesday, September 2
Grade 9 Only
Thursday, September 3
Grade 10 Only
Friday September 4
~Grade 11 Only (AM)
~Grade 12 Only (PM)
Tuesday, September 8
All Students Attend